Local School Council (LSC)

The Local School Council (LSC) is the governing body of the school.

The LSC is responsible for three main duties:

  • School improvement: Provide input into the Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP) than approve and monitor the plan
  • Budget decisions: Ensure that all school funds are spent in line with the CIWP priorities
  • Principal decisions: Hire, evaluate, and make retention decisions regarding the principal's 4 year contract.

LSCs were designed to give greater oversight and control to individual schools and their communities, and are required by law. Each LSC consists of 11 elected members: 6 parents, 2 teachers, 1 staff, 2 community members, 3 student reps if a high school, and the school principal. 

To read more regarding LSCs: www.cps.edu/Pages/Localschoolcouncils

All LSC Meetings begin at 6:00 pm and are held in room 115 unless otherwise noted. The entire Senn community is encouraged to attend. There is opportunity for public comment during the meeting with a 2 minute time limit on comments (up to a maximum of 30 minutes).  Video Calls details will be posted prior to the meeting. (If sharing the Google link, please reference this page for the correct link, as the link may be subject to change)



Parent Representatives:

Ben Cirillo

Michael McGuire

Diana Smith
Celine Tweedie

Kim Wagner

Community Representatives:

Carol Friedman

Teacher Representatives:

Stephanie Faris
Alex Forgue

Non-Teacher Staff Representative:

Terrell Walsh 

Student Representatives:

Truman Azocar

Emma Masrerson

Sarah O'Malley



Holly Dacres


MEETING DATES (all meetings begin at 6PM)

  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024                                            
  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024
  • Wednesday,  October 9, 2024 @ 4:30PM
  • Wednesday, November 13, 2024
  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024
  • Wednesday, January 15, 2025 @ 4:30PM
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • Wednesday, April 9, 2025
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025
*No meeting in June 

To contact the LSC, please send us a message to: [email protected] 

See attachments below.