Major Studies Program
Major Studies Program
Major Studies is a fully accessible program primarily intended for those who enter Senn as neighborhood students. Students who do not enter Senn through a selective program are automatically enrolled in Major Studies in 9th grade. The program is designed to provide students with a broad, interdisciplinary set of skills in their first and second years to be applied toward a ‘major study’ of choice in 11th and 12th grades.
Major Studies currently include:
- Computer Science
- Health Science
- Digital Imaging
- Journalism
As first years (9th grade), students in the program all begin in a Design track with Computer Science Design as an anchor course for the program. The anchor course is taken along with students’ MYP regular and/or honors level courses in core academic subjects and electives.
In sophomore year (10th grade), students will be able to:
- Begin one of the Major Studies pathways of Computer Science, Digital Imaging or Health Science by taking Computational Design
- Begin one of the Major Studies pathways of Broadcast Journalism, Digital Imaging or Health Science by taking the Media Literacy course.
All students choose a Major Study to begin junior year (11th grade):
- All students have the ability to choose Digital Imaging or Health Science as their Major Study
- Only students who take Media Literacy in 10th grade have the option to choose Broadcast Journalism as their Major Study
- Only students who take Computational Design in 10th grade have the option to choose Computer Science as their Major Study