MYP Personal Project
ATTENTION STUDENTS: This page will continue to be updated. Please check back here regularly for the most up-to-date information!
MYP Personal Project!
The Personal Project is a capstone (end-of-program) assignment that requires students to design a passion project with a specific learning and product goal. During the project students collect evidence of their process and reflect on the impact of the project. Ultimately they evaluate their product and analyze its impact in the form of a report. In the past, Senn students have done everything from creating a social justice campaign around gun control, to researching their family's culture, to learning to cook, to presenting research on a disease they were passionate about. It is a great opportunity for students to explore something they are interested while developing long term project skills. To see Personal Projects from last year, visit our class of 2022 digital showcase or our class of 2023 digital showcase!.
*Students are REQUIRED to do a Personal Project in order to successfully complete the IB Middle Years Programme at Senn and to earn your MYP Certificate and IB Pin.
**Personal Project completion will appear on your official high school transcript and could be counted as a CPS Service Learning Project!
The purpose is to...
"As today's MYP students mature, they will be increasingly called on to shape the world that they inhabit. To prepare students for this responsibility, [we] must cultivate students' motivation, agency, and capacity for lifelong learning."
and to...
practice & demonstrate Approaches to Learning skills while pursuing a passion project!
During Computational Design, Media Literacy, or Senn Arts classes, teachers guide the Personal Project and faculty supervisor is assigned to assist you with your project. Students with questions or who need extra support can use office hours during lunch on Fridays in the IB Lounge.
There are 4 major components to the project (things to be turned in):
- GOALS: Interrelated learning & product goal
- EVIDENCE OF PROCESS: this can take many forms- action plans, research, interview questions, reflections
- PRODUCT/OUTCOME: the thing/event produced
- PROJECT REPORT: written, recorded, or a combination of both, this is what is submitted to IB. This reflects on the impact of the project & evaluates the project based on student designed criteria
The Guide for Students & Supervisors and Timeline attached below is a guide to completing the project. Note that due to performance schedules, Senn Arts students have a modified timeline.
If you have questions or ideas that need feedback, please visit Ms. Lucchesi's office hours Fridays during lunch in 147 or email at [email protected].