PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Information » Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Our Parent Advisory Council is made up by parents and guardians with common interests. Their desire is to maintain an active parent community and help launch a parent culture that impacts our students' education, as well as help to inspire a positive school culture. This parent group aims to meet regularly to plan and host actions/activities to achieve the goals they have created.
Senn PAC Suggestion Box | Please help us improve the parent experience at Senn. All suggestions welcome!Please Use Our Senn PAC Suggestion Box | Please help us improve the parent experience at Senn. All suggestions welcome!

PAC Officers

Chairperson, Candice Newsome
Vice Chairperson, Rob Muench
Secretary, TBD
Outreach Coordinator, Sylvia Morrow
2022-23 Meetings 
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - Annual Title 1/PAC Organizational Meeting (5:00 - 6:00p) - recording
Monday, November 14 (5:00 - 6:00p)
Monday, December 12 (5:00 - 6:00p)  
Monday, January 9 (5:00 - 6:00p) - CANCELLED - parents are encourage to atted the Principal Selection Candidate Forum
Monday, February 13 (5:00 - 6:00p)
Monday, March 13 (5:00 - 6:00p)
Monday, April 10 (5:00 - 6:00p)
Monday, May 8 (5:00 - 6:00p)
Monday, June 12 (5:00 - 6:00p)


Upcoming PAC Senn Community Sessions--


2021-22 Information

Please see all materials and agendas in this folder:


What does the PAC "do"?

  1. The PAC advocates for parents and their interests in the school. 
  2. The PAC manages the money given through Title I (1% of Title I budget), which comes from the Every Student Succeeds Act. 
  3. The PAC uses this money to help parents help students succeed. Examples include:
    • Parent Training (to increase capacity to support child’s learning)
    • Childcare Or Travel Reimbursement
    • Parent-dedicated furniture or equipment (copier, printer, tables, chairs, storage, translation devices)
    • Parent Conferences (connected to classroom)
    • Field Trips directly connected to classroom curriculum
    • ESL classes
    • SEL (Socio-Emotional Learning) workshops (related to student learning)
    • Books & Materials (in compliance) Read along books,
      lending libraries