Career Information
Resources for Career Information
With the new Learn, Plan, Succeed graduation requirements, it is even more important than ever to have a post-secondary plan after high school.
But what if you have NO IDEA what you want to do????
DON'T WORRY, We are here to help!
Figuring out what you want to be in life requires time, research and effort. But where do you begin? Knowing your strengths and interests is a good jumping off point. Let's start with Naviance - Completing your Strengths Explorer and Career Interest Profiler can help you determine where your strengths and interests lie. Then you can start identifying careers that match your strengths and interests.
Also, don't forget that your teachers, counselors and family members are great resources in your exploration to find the perfect career!
Other Career Sites to Explore
College Board - students can browse specific jobs and learn about working conditions, job forecasts and related professions.
My Next Move - walks students through the career search process based on their knowledge of what they want to do. Students starts searches based on certainty of their career choice from " I want to be ..." to " I'm not really sure."
Chicagoland Career Pathways - has opportunities in a number of fields (healthcare, trades, culinary, media, and more) that provide free or scholarship-funded career training programs.
Illinois Career Information System - provides up-to-date resources for students and families regarding career trends and job openings for the state of Illinois. The Reality Check tool helps students create a basic budget and then will find jobs in your career interest areas that generally meet the level of income needed. - students can explore careers, do a job search, take a self-assessment, research salaries, find training and find jobs. - helps students plan their next steps by providing information on career goals, applying to the right college and military service opportunities. - powered by ASVAB Career Exploration Program that allows students to explore different jobs across Services.
Educational Planner - Site that provides practical advice so that you can find the career educational path that is right for you through a variety of six different assessments.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a national source of career information. is a free 15 minute assessment that will recommend your best fit majors that match your academic achievement, aptitude, unique interests and preferences.
City Colleges Guided Pathways - Students explore guided pathways to determine what career they want to major in, which City College offers the program in that major, and how to design a program in their major for a basic certificate, advanced certificate, or Associates Degree.
Learn How to Become has everything from career guides to how to create a resume and conduct an interview. Also, they have a lot of excellent resources linked to the site as well.