Applying to College

1. Discuss your college list with your counselor
2. Ask one or two teachers for recommendations and, if they say yes, fill out this brag sheet
3. Complete a recommendation request on Naviance 
4. Complete the college application (using Common App, a college website, Common Black College App, etc)
5. Pay for the application or complete a NACAC fee waiver (see docs at bottom of page)
6. Add college to Naviance's Colleges I'm Applying To list
7. In Naviance, mark application as complete & request an initial transcript (see docs at bottom of page)
8. Order test scores to be sent from College Board (SAT) or
9. Check emails to make sure you haven't forgotten any pieces of the application
Important College Application Links
There are a number of articles providing essay advice, but here are Tufts and Virginia
The New York Times has exemplary essays that they publish yearly.
DePaul has free online essay editing for high school students.
Story2 has an essay builder that focuses on writing narrative essays
Here are a few sample essays from Senn students:  Sample One and  Sample Two
Please make sure the following are uploaded in the Senior Classport  in Google Classroom
  • PDF of your FAFSA Student Aid Report
  • College Acceptances
  • College Scholarships
  • Military Paperwork
  • Evidence of Other Pathways
Click here to find step by step instructions to make sure your Common App and Naviance are in synch.
Make a copy of this document if you'd like a basic resume template